FOLIO Project Update – Week of June 4, 2018

The FOLIO Product Council approved the Technical Council Charter. A status report on the prioritization/gap analysis process was provided. The Epic stories are being entered into JIRA and when the process is finished the PC members will bring the prioritization process to their institutions. The team is working on a process to prioritize features and gaps for the Early Implementers. The Reporting SIG proposed to the PC to approve the development of a data warehouse and test data stored and reported out of the warehouse. The data warehouse will need developers and other resources so it was decided that this will be prioritized in the Epic process and resources will be assigned according to priorities. The Technical Council should review the Reporting SIG’s proposal.

OLE Summer 2019 Implementation Cohorts team will be having a gap analysis conducted after the Product Council has approved the process. This will most likely take place next Thursday, with the gap analysis commencing on June 18th.

The Consortia SIG is working on forming a single-tenant/shared subgroup to perform a gap analysis of current/planned FOLIO functionality. Multi-tenant consortia features have been migrated to JIRA. The SIG is holding off on addressing these until the PC determines Epic priorities and decides whether or not to assign a PO to the SIG. The SIG is also looking at distinctions between the two consortia models to help potential adopters choose the right model for their consortium.

The Resource Management SIG discussed updates to the vendor app and began a preliminary discussion of how Acquisitions’ data should be related to specific record types in Inventory. No conclusions have been made yet. The ERM and Acquisitions small groups continue to meet regularly.

At the Metadata Management SIG’s meeting Stephanie Espiand gave an overview of the change tracker app. The SIG reviewed the latest Item UX for Inventory and looked over some display challenges and options for filters based on resource/format/material types.

The Reporting SIG met on 6/4, and still need a Reporting Product Owner. Holly Mistlebauer is acting as Interim Reporting PO until one is placed. SIG members reviewed and updated the Reporting SIG Proposal to FOLIO Product Council for a Reference Data Warehouse. The proposal presented on 6/7/2017 to Product Council and was well received. The end goal is a data warehouse. A roadmap is needed for reporting development. The data warehouse needed by September 2018 in order to go love in July 2019. A new JIRA ticket was created for Data Warehouse development (see UXPROD-864). There is a 6/11/2018 meeting to review BibControl and focus on In-App reporting.

The Resource Access SIG finalized the fee/fine policies this week.

The Sys Ops & Mgt SIG reviewed a proposal of 12 new Action Items for Development. The needs of the Data Migration subgroup will be discussed. All items (SIG + subgroup) will be presented in a single list to the PC. Deployment and Migration issues are of the highest concern and urgency.

The User Management SIG revisited the issue of needing additional fields to track identifiers in FOLIO and discussed the requirements for user data overrides/protection from feed data.