FOLIO Project Update – Week of July 23, 2018

The product owners have adjusted the ranking of the features in their area to make sure they are worked on in an order that makes sense (e.g. one feature may need to be completed before another can be started). This information has been added to the capacity planning spreadsheet to determine what will be able to be completed and when.

The result is that tasks will not be completed for the first implementer, Chalmers University of Technology, in time for their January 2019 deadline without adding more resources to certain areas. The capacity planning spreadsheet is being used to explore various scenarios of adding/shifting developers. Options will be presented to the Product Council at their next meeting on August 2nd, for help in deciding what to do next.

There is a new OLE library that wants to implement in 2019: the Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Bremen, a GBV support institution. They want to move their electronic acquisitions and resource management to FOLIO by summer 2019.